Mystic Musings

  • Energy Update 10/31/20 - Full Moon in Taurus & Triple Conjunction in Capricorn

    ✨ Energy Update 10/31/20 ✨ Happy Halloween Full Blue Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus opposite the Scorpio Sun conjunct Uranus Let’s first zoom out for ...
  • Solar Eclipse in Cancer - Nurturing Your Soul

    On July 2, 2019 we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Cancer. This Solar Eclipse is in an opposition to Saturn, in a square to Chiron ...
  • Inevitable Changes - Full Moon in Sagittarius June 2019

    We have a Full Moon at 26 degrees of Sagittarius in the early hours of June 17th, 2019. Full Moons are always a time of heightened energy, and this...
  • New Moon in Taurus May 2019 - Between Worlds

    At this New Moon, you are between worlds - somewhere between your old life and the new life you are actively manifesting. The old life no longer feels like it fits, but the new one hasn't fully manifested in the physical yet. You're likely feeling compelled to rush head first into this new beginning and to take on more than you can realistically achieve at this time. Remain committed to your dreams, but take action at a slow and steady pace - one that is sustainable and will set you up for long term success rather than fast and furious, fleeting results. 
  • Libra Full Moon - Closing Out Karmic Cycles

    With the Sun at 29° of Aries, conjunct Uranus, about to move into Taurus, and also trine Jupiter, you will feel a sense of urgency about doing what you need to do to make your life the best it can be. You are uninterested in compromising on your heart and soul’s desires. This energy will have you feeling very bold, excitable and ambitious in reaching for your goals. In relationships, whether or not someone is going to continue on your path with you will depend on their willingness and ability to make the necessary changes.

  • Aries New Moon - Your New Way of Being

    This New Moon is providing you with special awareness, you will be super tuned in. Over the next few weeks, you are going to have realizations about your identity, long standing patterns you're ready to release and clarity about what you need. This is the beginning of an entirely new chapter in your life. This is the month that you realize that you are done with the old chapter and you become an active participant in the manifestation of your new beginning. 
  • Libra Full Super Moon March 2019 - Relationships up for Review

    You're likely feeling the anxiousness of wanting to move forward mixed with a frustration of feeling like you're not able to move forward yet. The main cause of the frustration right now will be surrounding relationships. You are reviewing and readjusting your relationships. You're trying to figure out what to leave behind and what to take forward with you, differentiating what serves you from what doesn't, in all areas of your life but especially in regards to relationships.
  • Energy & Astrology Update for March 2019

    Are y'all feeling anxious (yes, I'm southern and I throw around a lot of y'alls)? Let me tell you why. We have a really big week and month of March astrologically. There is a lot happening in the cosmos and it's all having a major impact on us. This week we have Mercury going retrograde in the final degree of Pisces, Uranus moving into Taurus, and the Sun and Moon conjunct in Pisces (AKA a New Moon) all within the next 48 hours. Buckle your seat belts friends, and let me enlighten you about this ride.