New Moon in Taurus May 2019 - Between Worlds

We have a New Moon in Taurus on May 4th at 3:45 PM Pacific, making harmonious aspects with Neptune and Saturn. At this New Moon, you are between worlds. You are somewhere between your old life and the new life that you are actively manifesting.

You've recently realized that there's something significant that you need to change in your life to bring it into alignment. You may have felt that you needed to make this change for quite a long time, but your soul is now feeing the urgency of making this change happen and is pushing you forward. You're likely feeling a strange mix of emotions - your old life no longer feels like it fits, but the new one hasn't fully manifested in the physical yet.

You likely feel compelled to rush head first into this new beginning and may be tempted to take on more than you can realistically achieve at this time. Remain committed to your dreams, but take action at a slow and steady pace. Set a pace that is sustainable and will set you up for long term success rather than fast and furious, fleeting results. 

The energy is inviting you to get really present with what is and to ground yourself. Treat yourself to simpler comforts in order to rejuvenate and replenish your energy for the journey ahead. With Jupiter in opposition to Mars, don't succumb to the insistent feeling that you need to rush and make hasty decisions right now. 

Slow down, breathe and take pleasure in life at this time. This Taurus New Moon is asking you to fully embrace and enjoy the physicality of this human experience. Engage all of your senses, indulge in earthly pleasures, commune with nature, and relish in the beauty of your physical vessel.

New Moons are the beginning of a new cycle that you will be under the energy of for the next 28 days. Under the guidance of Taurus, the time is ripe to review your relationship to money and possessions as well as your personal values. What makes you happy, comforts you and brings a sense of fulfillment to your life?

If you want to manifest things in your life, a great way to do this is to align with the energy of the lunar cycle. New Moons are the perfect time to set intentions. However, it's important to first reflect and take stock on the cycle you just wrapped up.

With gratitude and an open heart, review what you've learned or received in the previous cycle and honor where you are in this present moment. Then, decide what energy you want to align with during the next cycle, and set your intentions in the first 48 hours after the New Moon occurs. I highly recommend engaging in some kind of New Moon ritual every month to connect yourself with universal energy, and introduce magic and manifestation into your life. 

Magic into magic, transformation through transformation, as light loses dark, journey well, friends.


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